Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, Fresh Start | Weekly Favorites: 1|1|16

First off, Happy New Year! I hope this year brings love, fortune, and prosperity into each and everyone of your lives. I am grateful for my health, my family, my boyfriend and my friends. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for them. I want to be honest and write this beginning snippet to sincerely apologize for my absence on my blog. I haven't felt inspired and didn't want to just post anything. I needed time to myself to work through my struggles and become inspired again. With that being said, I decided to start this new year off with a fresh start and a clear mind. I wanted to share with you some favorites of mine and have decided that every Friday, I am going to include my weekly favorites. As some of you may know, my biggest inspiration and role model is Mimi Ikonn. For those of you who do not know her, she is an entrepreneur, dreamer, and creator. I look up to her in everything and anything that she does. I follow all of her social media outlets, and I recently have been hooked on her blog. As I was scrolling through, she has also started a weekly favorites post and I look forward to seeing it every week. She has inspired me so much, as much as to start my own weekly favorites posts. Without further ado, I present to you my weekly favorites: 


Favorite Song:

You'll see why this is my favorite song if you read through the rest of this post;)

Favorite Television Show:

Jessica Jones. This show is amazing! If you haven't seen it, you definitely need to go watch it. It is a series on Netflix. It will not disappoint ;) 

Favorite Drink:

My favorite drink this week was the Sugar Cookie White Hot Chocolate from Tim Horton's. I think the name speaks for itself!

Favorite Quote:

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
-John Quincy Adams

This quote resonated with me because I want to be the change people wish to see in the world. I want to inspire others to become what they want to be and inspire them to follow their dreams. 

Favorite Food:

There's a restaurant where I live that my boyfriend and I go to pretty regularly. They have amazing food and I can't get enough of their salmon dish. It is a teriyaki glazed salmon served over a salad of greens, apples, fresh figs, strawberries, dried cranberries, and orange-amaretto vinaigrette. Yum!

Favorite Video:

Mimi Ikonn is a creative genius. How could I not include her in my first weekly favorites if she was the one who truly inspired me?! She puts out amazing content and more of the world should know about her!

Happy New Year!
Let's make this year an unforgettable one!


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